Healthcare Business Today: Turning Around Quality at a Public-Safety Net Hospital

Patient safety is a cornerstone of quality healthcare. Achieving excellence in this area demands continuous effort. At NGH, our journey to an “A” Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group is a testament to our commitment to our patients.

by Dr. Joseph Webb D.Sc. FACHE
Nashville General Hospital

Patient safety is a cornerstone of quality healthcare. Achieving excellence in this area demands continuous effort. At Nashville General Hospital (NGH), our journey to an “A” Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group is a testament to our commitment to our patients.

Laying the Groundwork for Change

When NGH started the process to improve overall safety and patient care, we recognized that establishing a genuine culture of safety would demand more than rolling out new policies. We had to do more including addressing the underlying processes that impact safety on a day-to-day basis. Understanding that the commitment and participation of every team member was vital, we prioritized fostering an environment where safety is everyone’s responsibility. We initiated programs to encourage staff to openly report unsafe events, viewing these reports not as failures but as valuable opportunities for learning and improvement.

We strongly emphasized continuous feedback in addition to encouraging reporting and implementing regular training sessions and safety briefings, allowing staff to share insights and experiences to enhance our awareness of safety issues. This proactive approach helped employees to take ownership of safety practices. Ultimately, we believe that by nurturing a culture of transparency and support, NGH can achieve lasting improvements in safety that benefit not just our staff but also the patients and communities we serve. 

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