Stuffy noses and hoarseness are just a few of the conditions that ENT (ear, nose and throat) providers treat. They also help their patients live healthier lifestyles.
If you have problems with your ears, nose, or throat, you may need an appointment at an ENT clinic. The technical name for the medical specialty is otolaryngology (pron: “oh-tow-leh-ruhn-gaa-luh-jee”).

If you have problems with your ears, nose, or throat, you may need an appointment at an ENT clinic. The technical name for the medical specialty is otolaryngology (pron: “oh-tow-leh-ruhn-gaa-luh-jee”). ENT providers focus on the anatomy, function, and diseases of the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck.
“At the Nashville Healthcare Center, ENT Clinic, we see patients with basic as well as complex ear, nose, throat conditions,” says ENT Clinic Physician Assistant, Wendy Sumner Alexander. “The ears, nose and throat are interconnected, so a problem in one, can affect the others."
Some ear, nose, and throat conditions providers treat include:
- Excessive earwax buildup
- Sinus pain
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus, pron: “ti-nuh-tuhs”)
- Hoarseness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Swelling or masses in the spit glands, mouth, or neck
Sumner Alexander explains that smoking and alcohol abuse can do long-term damage to ear, nose, and throat health. “Both habits can put you at higher risk for cancers of the head, neck, throat, and mouth.”
“We have a lot of singers in Nashville. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also dry out and irritate the vocal cords, affecting the tone quality of the voice. Unfortunately, some singers (and other ENT patients) smoke. We work with our patients who smoke, to help them become nonsmokers.”
“Nashville General has a smoking cessation program that is run through the Internal Medicine clinic,” Sumner Alexander says. For help to stop smoking, talk to your primary care provider, ENT provider, or call the Tennessee Tobacco Quitline at 1 800-784-8669.
In addition to helping patients quit smoking, patients dealing with long-lasting hoarseness (greater than two weeks) are scoped to evaluate their vocal cord health and referred for voice therapy, if appropriate. The Speech Pathology team at Nashville General provides these sessions to teach patients how to eliminate harmful vocal behavior and develop habits to build vocal strength and endurance.
Click here to learn more about the Nashville Healthcare Center ENT Clinic, the services offered and the conditions they treat. You can also call the ENT Clinic, at 615-341-4725.