Nashville General Hospital’s ‘No-Wait ER’ Program Reduces Emergency Room Wait Times
Revolutionizing Emergency Care with Faster, Patient-Centered Service

Nashville General Hospital has launched a groundbreaking “No-Wait ER” program to address long emergency room wait times. By replacing the traditional waiting room with immediate triage by a medical team, the average wait to see a doctor has decreased from 34 minutes to just 5 minutes. This innovative system allows patients to be quickly assessed and prioritized based on their condition’s severity. The initiative also includes increased staffing and additional support to ensure a smooth patient flow. Early results show a 36% decrease in the length of stay for low-acuity patients and significant improvements in patient satisfaction.
Becker's: Tennessee hospital launches 'no-wait ER' program
The "no-wait ER" program launched in April after leadership figured out that structural processes were the cause of long wait times for patients, hospital CEO Joseph Webb, MD, told They sought to reshape the process. Traditionally, patients would check in and be asked to wait until a triage nurse could assess them. The hospital eliminated this step by having patients immediately greeted and assessed by a triage team.
WSMV 4: New program at Nashville General Hospital aims to end long wait times
Nashville General Hospital is working to end long emergency room wait times by implementing a new program. The new “no-wait ER” moves away from the traditional waiting room model and allows patients to be assessed by a triage team who then prioritizes care based on the severity of the condition.

NewsChannel 5: Nashville General Hospital's new system reduces Emergency Room wait times
Nashville General Hospital has implemented a new system to curb the ER wait times.
Waiting long hours to be seen at the Emergency Room can be irritating. If you’re hurt or sick, it can feel like you’re waiting an eternity. However, Nashville General Hospital has implemented a new system to curb the ER wait times.

WKRN: Nashville General Hospital implements ‘No-Wait ER’ program to cut down on ER wait time
You can’t plan for an emergency; when one strikes, time is critical. However, wait times for an emergency room visit can often be more than an hour.
You can’t plan for an emergency; when one strikes, time is critical. However, wait times for an emergency room visit can often be more than an hour. Not only is the wait an inconvenience, but it could mean the difference between life and death.
That difference is why Nashville General Hospital went back to the drawing board to re-examine its workflow. They came up with a new idea to improve patient care.