Rick Colomitz
Rick Colomitz, ADN, RN, NREMT of Nashville General Hospital was recently honored with The DAISY Award® For Extraordinary Nurses.
fruits and vegetables
March is National Nutrition Month®. This is a great time to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthier eating habits.
Photo by Lux Graves on Unsplash
A good night’s sleep is one of the easiest ways to prepare for and recover from surgery. Sleep can help you stay healthy and your body heal.
Heart month at NGH
February is American Heart Month. This is a great time to focus on heart-healthy habits that can help protect your heart and lead to a healthier lifestyle.
Cervical Cancer conceptual image
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally. This disease claims the lives of 300,000 women each year, one every two minutes. Many of these deaths are unnecessary since cervical cancer is almost completely preventable and if diag
Cancer accreditation 2022
Accredited for 80 consecutive years, Nashville General Hospital is the second-oldest accredited cancer program in Nashville.
Jeff Hardwick, PharmD at The Community Pharmacy at NGH
There are more than 322,000 pharmacists in the United States. In addition to dispensing medications, these trained medical professionals play an important role as part of your healthcare team. 
Man receives Covid vaccine
Since July, hospitals across Tennessee are filling up again with COVID-19 patients at the highest rate since January.
Man receives Covid vaccine
The COVID-19 Vaccine is FREE of charge to all people living in the United States, regardless of health insurance status or immigration. There are multiple locations throughout Nashville and Davidson County to receive the vaccine.
Male nurse at Nashville General Hospital
EFFECTIVE AUGUST 6, 2021, For the health and safety of patients and their families and staff, we have put the following guidelines in place to limit visitation, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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